Why Leadership Coaching?

Leadership and management coaching has become increasingly popular, but many professionals are unsure if it’s right for them. With so many coaches, how do you know who to trust? Everyone deserves the opportunity to reach their full potential and be successful in their career.

Using what I learned during my management career and my experience coaching professionals in various roles and industries, I specialize in helping professionals grow and develop leadership skills to take their careers to the next level.

leadership coaching helps you get on the right path

#1. We get to the root of the problem.

Many of my clients come in expecting help with one problem. However, it often becomes clear their issue is something different. We can go to the root of the issue and develop sustainable solutions. No bandaid solutions here!

For example, one of my clients aimed to manage her time better. However, while we examined that, it turned out that her time management was not the root issue.

The fact was that she was taking on so much more than she needed to. She held herself responsible for tasks that were more suitable for someone else on her team, leaving her no time for herself. As a result, she felt overwhelmed and like she never had enough time to finish her work.

Realizing that, we shifted our priorities and started developing strategies on how she could more effectively delegate tasks to her team. Since she now has some jobs completely off her plate, she can manage her workload better and has seen a boost in her productivity.

#2. Your goals, strategies and the pace we move at are specific to you.

Management training can be beneficial, but it has its drawbacks. For example, you can attend leadership training and be provided with strategies. However, with coaching, we are taking those strategies and applying them personally to you, your company, and your goals.

Your coaching will be laser-focused on you. We develop custom-tailored solutions that are informed by your unique goals and strengths. Throughout our time together, we can keep an eye on your goals. How is it working? Do we need to adjust the plan?

I also provide accountability toward your goals at a reasonable pace. This is why it is Base Pace coaching. We want to help you achieve your career goals at a pace that challenges you and does not overwhelm you. Finding that balance is crucial to success, and we can help you create a plan to keep you on track without overworking yourself.

Every person is unique, so every time I coach someone, it is also unique and tailored to their individual needs.

#3. You build awareness around what kind of leader you are.

As we work together, you'll begin to build awareness around your strengths and the kind of leader you already are. Too often, we mimic our style after someone we admire or our mentor, and it may not be the right fit for us.

Many people come to me to fix something they perceive as broken. At the risk of sounding a little cheesy, I don't think people have positive and negative qualities. They simply have qualities that they have prioritized.

For example, running is a challenge for me. I'm not a bad runner; I just don't prioritize it, so it is challenging to do it. It's the same with leadership.

Instead of focusing on what you think you're not good at and picking at that, why not look at the qualities you have already prioritized and find out where we can leverage those qualities?

Knowing your strengths provides a baseline for us to choose strategies that will fit within the framework of your individual qualities. This way, you can effectively lead with confidence and authenticity.

Reach your leadership goals with Base Pace Coaching!

So if you're looking for an experienced and knowledgeable coach to help you grow in your career, Base Pace Coaching is here for you! With our tailored strategies, unwavering support, and custom-tailored coaching sessions, you can be sure that you'll get the help you need to reach your goals.

We start with a complimentary consultation session to discuss your current challenges and goals. Please contact us here to book your session and begin advancing your career!


How to Effectively Delegate