Never Underestimate This One Thing

"So many meetings"

I put a poll out there on my LinkedIn about your biggest struggles, and this was one of the comments that I received. She is not alone - this has become the constant cry of many in today's corporate world.

If you think that you've been spending more time than ever before in's not your imagination. A report from Microsoft found that the time spent in meetings between 2020 and 2022 increased by 252% and the number of meetings increased by 153%. 

So we know the problem - and how to manage our time is the topic for a whole other article - but if we are creating our schedules, there is one thing that needs to make it into your calendar.

Time to think.

Let's explore the danger of not having this scheduled in your calendar and what can happen when you make it a priority.

"I'm so busy"

So many of us rush from one thing to another, feeling accomplished as we check off item after item.  We work 18-hour days and think to ourselves, "Wow, I am so productive." Are we, though? Are we productive, or are we just busy?

We don't have time to pause and reflect on what happened - instead, our minds are already in motion reacting to the next thing that has come up. The danger is that constantly working and rushing from one thing to the next doesn't give us time to plan. As a leader,  you need to have a plan and strategy for where you are going. But if your mind is constantly reacting, it's hard to set that direction.

So many of your personal and performance goals are connected to your ability to be strategic. Strategic thinking does not happen on the fly. Strategic thinking doesn't happen when you show up for a meeting and spend the first five minutes asking yourself, "What is this meeting for? Why am I here again?"

For example, many of my clients want to improve their influence. How can slowing down and creating space help them there? Scheduling time before an important meeting or conversation to mentally prepare for what's next. You can increase your influence because you're not just attending this meeting - you're showing up.

When we have space within our days to think things through, we are better able to make decisions, and we make better decisions. 

"Put the oxygen mask on yourself first."

You've heard this when flying.  Put the oxygen mask on yourself first before helping those around you. The reason for this is obvious - if you can't breathe, then you can't help anyone else.

The same principle applies when protecting your time. You must learn to put yourself and your space first and make sure that you are taking that time in order to function as a leader.

I'm sure you're nodding along at this point and agreeing with me but...also thinking, "I have so much to do. How can I justify spending time to just think?"

Let's reframe how we approach productivity. Productivity does not just happen in front of a screen. Sure, we are productive when we attend meetings and collaborate with our teams.

However, productivity is also thinking through complex problems and having an action plan that you can move forward with. This kind of productivity often gets overlooked - but it shouldn't! This is what's going to make you a great leader and move your career forward.

One of my clients did just that. Once a week, he sets aside time to sit and think - no distractions! The results have been noticeable. In that space, he stretches his strategic thinking abilities and comes up with some really amazing ideas that make a difference in his role. 

So however this works for you - whether it's using your commute if you still have one, or creating your own Friday ritual,  make sure to put yourself into your schedule.

Creating Solutions with Base Pace Coaching

At Base Pace Coaching, I help my clients create solutions to the leadership challenges they face. With a customized approach to coaching, we work together to craft solutions that are tailored to each individual's needs and goals.

If you're ready to take your leadership skills up a notch and start creating the kind of space you need for strategic thinking, let's chat! Contact me today to book your free discovery call. Together we will create an action plan that will help you become the leader you want to be.


The Art of Managing Up


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